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Confidently use your SMS provider as a Survey Tool

Enhance engagement and boost efficiency with staff and customer feedback. Confidently send text surveys, capture responses, and view the results all in one place. Get started in minutes with our quick starter templates. Explore case studies to discover how surveys can deliver the benefits you seek.

Why Shop With Us

Overlapping circles

API Connection

No need to change messaging partner and negotiate new rates. Simply copy & paste your existing platform API key at registration and start sending surveys.


Simple efficiency

No messenger service can do everything well. Customers use us as an extension to their current provider to send surveys quicker and easier.

Overlapping squares

Small business hack

Instead of paying large consulting fees avoid mistakes and improve insights through our specialist survey resources.

Dashboard of 28 quick starter templates
Screenshot of ratings response survey results with a bar graph and chart
Screenshot of open response survey results with a bar graph and word cloud
Screenshot of a quick starter template with suggested question and best practices

Who We Are

At SwiftSurvey we are passionate about helping organisations make quality decisions driven by primary data and research gathered from staff and customers.

We are a new company leveraging industry experience and innovation spanning a decade.

We have seen the power of surveys as SMS use case-0. It is a powerful tool that can help organisations of all sizes gather feedback and insights to reduce costs and increase revenue or mission effectiveness.

Industry Case Studies

Through market research surveys, HubSpot collected data on customer pain points, preferences, and desired features. This information guided the development of new product features, resulting in increased customer satisfaction and expanded market reach.
HubSpot: Market Research Survey
By implementing a customer satisfaction survey, American Express discovered pain points in their customer service processes and made changes accordingly. This resulted in a 10% increase in customer satisfaction and a subsequent increase in customer loyalty and spending.
American Express: Customer Satisfaction Survey
Through UX surveys, Spotify collected feedback on app usability, features, and preferences. This enabled them to make data-driven improvements to their app interface, resulting in increased user satisfaction, longer app usage, and higher customer retention rates.
Spotify: User Experience (UX) Survey